Tuesday 13 March 2012


Now, I saw Kony 2012 all over Twitter around March 7, and my first thoughts were: "Has somebody else entered the presidential race? Who is this Kony fellow? Is he a Republican? Why are all these people talking about Kony?" Well I finally saw the video posted by my darling blogger bud MalibuMara. And I was instantly moved. I told my brother to watch the movie, and I was thinking about how I can help, and I was ready for war...

But then I thought... "Hold up, this smells fishy." And you can ask my brothers, it just seems like the year of the scam. Call me oblivious or naive, but I have just recently realized how bad we have become as Americans and just how selfish. We will do anything for a dollar no matter the other intangible costs. My gut feeling prompted me to do some research of my own and to hear what the opposition had to say: Don't Wag The Dog.

In conclusion, I have formed my own opinion. If they can arrest Kony for past crimes he has committed without American and international military beginning to dictate and reduce the quality of life for those who are maintaining a stable, normal life in Uganda (as they did with the War On Iraq and finding Osama), it would be a great example of how America can use their power to bring justice, peace, and to make things right for a change. However, I am not sending my money to Invisible Children. I have to further delve into their financial statements to really see where my money will be going if I decided to be apart of the cause. I haven't heard good things so far.

I say all this to say, I tell my viewers all the time to make a difference. I am sure someone else, a teacher or an activist in your community has told you to make a difference once before also. But because a rich white man puts a video on YouTube, you all STOP KONY 2012. Get Your Life! In my Tamar Braxton voice, and put it all the way into perspective.

One of the things that he said in the video did stick with me though: A bunch of smalls found out that they have a voice. You now know that you have a voice, you got my attention on Twitter! Well use your mind, research, and form your own opinion about everything. No, in America we don't know how bad life is in Africa for some and never could imagine. However, we look past people struggling in our own country every single day. My grandma loves to help people but one thing she has always said was "take care of home and family before you help others." Here in our home USA, in your neighborhood, in your region, your state, your school, your house, you can make a difference by supporting causes that could actually affect change in your life if you just cared.

No denying that all the things talked about in Kony 2012 were disheartening and something should be done. If you are passionate about it and it hit home for you, run with it. For me, I think black girls and boys in America need self esteem boosts, mentors, and encouragement. I'm going to run with it. I think we have to save our planet and work just as hard to preserve it as it works to provide our natural resources. I'm going to run with it. I think everyone who has a passion or dream should be able to make a living from it. I'm going to run with it. I think Obama needs another term. I'm going to run with it. I think all kids should have food, toiletries, clothes, and adequate school supplies. I'm going to run with it. WHAT DO YOU THINK? When you have thought about it, RUN WITH IT!

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